2010年1月26日 星期二

Here lies my love

When we both meet,
It was a ripple in the beginning,
Turned into an unstoppable tidal surge that engulfs me,
But only me alone being washed out
On the seashore naked and fainted.
And the circulation ends.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 12:33am

Apollo’s arrow across,
A million times ago,
A million times to come.
The glory days of Roman pillars,
Wretched, Cracked and fell.
Surge of the formless fluid
Engulf even Genghis Khan
Jesus Christ, Hitler and John.
There’s a building collapses,
Here’s another construct.
Will my haven devour by this vortex?
Hell no!
Infant, puberty,
No worries.
Adult, Aged,
Questioning, wondering and praying
For the lost youth and
The glory days.
No, no, no.
Wrinkles do not appear in Eden.
Satan’s conspiracy on human,
I curse the day Adam and Eve left,
When they find world
Different and changing.
Fickle and swaying.
No, no, no.
Eddie was an adorable child,
Now a vicious gambler.
Billy dream of being a pilot,
He is covered with dirt now.
We are born cursed
In a race that we will never win.
No, no, no.
Inevitable fate,
Now surrounding with ransom,
Adversity follows next;
Misfortune to Millionaire,
Dark to Bright,
Forest to bleak.
Familiar does not last.
It is not death that fear us,
No, no, no.
Only the change of world.
Inevitable doom.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 at 11:51pm

2008年10月23日 星期四

watching the clock in a rainiy day

Watching the clock ticks in a rainy day.
One second follows another,
Raindrops drop after another,
Every tiny movement of the second hand’s
A violent strike.

Watching the raindrops in a free autumn’s day.
One drop after another,
An hour after another,
Every drip of the raindrops’ like
Tears marching down my cheek.

Hearing the rumble of the thunder,
A strike follows another,
Each time fiercer than the other.
Raindrops drip violently,
Hitting the roof of the cottage,
I can’t hear my heart.

Feeling the strong wind of a storm,
Ticking sounds of the clock and water droppings
That barely hears,
I lose my senses.


Here’s Sanity talking to me again,
Vision of a blind,
Aural of a deaf.
Anything but HE!
HE who make one,
To grief,
To please,
Anything but HE,
With a sudden sound flash through my mind,
“You can never hide from me.”


2008年2月29日 星期五


A gloomy afternoon, I was pottering in a park. The park was abandoned quite a time and it was barren. I saw a little girl was blowing a bubble from a bottle. She tried arduously and eventually a big bubble was floating in the air (insouciantly). The bubble was filling with different color due to the refraction of the sunlight, even though there was only a bitty of it. It was beautiful. For that very moment, I saw my own image on the bubble, what surprised me was a smile appear on my gloomy face. I saw happiness and blessings in the bubble.

I was indulging myself in it until suddenly, the bubble burst out. I was left agape. “Where has all the happiness and wonderful color went?” I asked the little girl agitatedly. The little girl was shocked by my sudden doing. “Par… Pardon me…sir? I don’t see… see any happiness … or anything… It was… only a bubble…” she cried. Then she ran away. Leaving the bottle on the floor, the soap water in it was all spilt out. No more bubble for me! I grabbed the bottle up and tried to blow it myself but nothing came out. Alas! Who can blow another bubble with such wonderful color and filled with happiness in it for me? After a moment of meditating, I threw the bottle away and kept wondering in the barren park.

2007年6月25日 星期一





“轟隆…轟隆…”剎那間,烏黑的天空劃出一道閃電,隨之而來的是一陣驚天的咆哮。這一聲雷聲竟把陶醉在過往美好回憶的我也驚醒了。當下往窗外一望,才驚覺已然下起了大雨。 “唉…今天傍晚前天氣明明就很晴朗,絲毫沒有下雨的跡象…怎麼現在下起了大雨呢?”我喃喃自語道。隨著心情的平復,宿舍內顯得格外寒冷。我望著窗外發呆,欲看深夜下雨的情景,然而前方的景象卻因豪雨而變得朦朧。豆大般的雨點打在面前的玻璃窗上,然後慢慢的沿著玻璃留下,掉落地上。雨水透過玻璃乃是那麼的清晰,然而卻因為燈光而形成一點一點黑色的影子,掉落在桌上,朋友所贈送的手冊也被如雨點的影子一點一點的被吞嚥。



焦慮、不安、踌躇、空虛各種愁緒如洶湧的潮水向我侵襲。無數個念頭在我腦海中盤旋: 要是一直期望的“家”在此刻不像有以往的親切感? 要是唯一能了解我的朋友都離我而去呢? 如果它代表我生命中的原動力而它卻消失了我該怎樣是好? 如果… “故鄉” 不再是 “故鄉”呢? 如果…






2007年5月23日 星期三

From Run to Walk

I had a conversation with a best friend yesterday.
As usual, we spent a great time with some interesting topics to talk.
We talk about our family, our education and of course girls (it’s hard for guys have a conversation without talking bout girls though…lol)
And, eventually, we talk about sports.
He was challenging me for a marathon to circle the Usj2 for 2 rounds, which is about 10km in distance.
I replied with great solemn, “I am too old for this kind of heavy exercise…”
Actually, I was just crapping in order to reject his challenge as he has better potential to race me in the marathon…his leg is longer than my leg though, we had anted anyway. I thought the bet is too high for to effort if I lost.
“Yeah… time past so fast, we both are old now. Why human get old so fast?” his reply overwhelmed me.
My intention wasn’t to make the situation grim though.
So, I just make up something quick in order to make the situation better.
“Erm…good question. But, isn’t that fabulous. Try to think about it.
If we remain young forever you might just keep on running…erm…like in marathon.”
Making up story using the “marathon” topic just now.
“When you get old…you will slow down. You will stop running like you used to be when you young. Walk along and notice things you will never discover before. That’s why we meet someone than worth for you to love and care.”
“WOW…Choong…since when you become a philosopher?” he was making fun on me after my answer impressed him. ( I thought of that myself… he he)

Later at night, I think of it again.
“Yeah...Old indeed is an inconvenient truth along human’s growing path but it also a essential moment for us, too.
It slow our rushing steps down,
It move us to a more intellectual realm,
That make us think, appreciate, love and care,
Things that past by and coming towards us
On the path of our life.”
